Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Twitter and a tea wallet

I finally caved, yes. I got a twitter account.
This could be good, since I like to talk. This could be bad, since I like to talk.

After all, right now I just spout at length into blogspot...but that at least requires an hour or so of thought, some preparation beforehand if I want to post pictures, etc. Twitter is always there for me to type my one-hundred-and-something characters of whatever and worry about it later. But maybe talking and being interesting and interested and connecting with other people and finding people who like to follow crafters' twitter accounts will help me get more involved in the handmade community. And luckily the format should keep me from getting too verbose...I can see anyone contemplating following my blog immediately switching to twitter at that news. :)

Anyway, @letterboxlion. Surprise!

I can't wait to post some more pictures, oh man. I've been getting better at a crazy rate, and my style is evolving by the day into a more artsy, more capable way of thinking - out of the earwires I bought? Not a problem if I've got some half-hard wire on hand. Out of half-hard wire? I can hammer dead-soft wire! Would textured earwires be comfortable? No? I can just make that test piece into a pendant, then. My sitting-down-and-getting-to-work times have been more fruitful than ever...my biggest problem is that I don't like to take pictures!

TRANSITION PHRASE. I have a miraculous best friend. She makes everything. Sewing, cooking, baking, jewelry, whatever it is, she probably has perfected it. (Need some vegan cookies that are moist and yummy? I can hook you up, let me tell you. The only way you can tell they are vegan is that they are extra-delicious, it's bizarre. Anyway!) She made me a tea wallet. Now THAT'S some targeted marketing. Basically it's another example of her knowing me far too well and giving me something that I had only vaguely registered that I should want, considering the tea I always carry around with me is getting squished in the pocket of my backpack that is also used for pens. I received a wallet from her, and it had tea in it, and I said to myself, "Hey, score! I could use this to keep my tea from getting squished!" And told her I would continue to use it for tea, whereupon she informed me that it was made for that purpose. No wonder it's so perfect. I mean, it even has leaves on it. I GUESS THEY'RE TEA LEAVES.

Anyway, if only there were a way for sellers to know their target markets that well...haha, but then we'd want to give it all away. I already have that problem enough.

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