Sunday, February 27, 2011

A Glimpse Into My Mind

I have this weird habit where whenever someone talks to me unexpectedly, or goes out of his way to communicate with me, I assume I did something wrong. For instance, a friend of mine sent me a message over Facebook the other day and all it said was, "Are you going to be at practice on Tuesday?" I had no idea why she was sending a message to me, but I assumed, as I always assume, that she wanted to take me to task on something...and I couldn't imagine what I'd done to offend her, and it made me very nervous. All she wanted was to ask if I could give something to someone for her, and my reaction was completely is probably obvious to anyone who's not me.

The other day, I was at work in the dining hall, and I was the last of the student employees to leave because I volunteered to stay and help with something. After I finished, I went back to wash my shoe-covers off, only to discover that three other people at some point during the day had failed to wash theirs, simply leaving them in the stairwell where they hoped nobody would see. I take my job pretty seriously, I want to be good at it, and I want the higher-ups to like me. So I picked them up and washed four pairs of shoes instead of one, but I was still on the clock, so I didn't really mind. However I did feel kind of guilty staying so late - I'm technically supposed to get off at 9:45, but it almost always goes until 9:55 at least...still, by the time I was done it was 10:05, so I felt a little like I was taking advantage of something, milking it for all the hours I could get, when really I was just doing work that other people had failed to do. As I passed by my manager's boss's office on the way to clock out, my manager's boss, Adam, called out to me, "Hey, Leo."

This is what happened in my mind:

Adam: Hey, Leo.
Leo: Hey, yeah?
Adam: Why are you still here? *shakes finger at me* I can't give you hours just for not leaving early enough, you know.
Leo: Oh, I'm sorry, I was just washing some shoe-covers.
Adam: We'll need you to sign this waiver form saying that you just didn't clock out in time, you didn't actually earn any money, you're a horrible person, you're trying to extort the company by doing extra work, and I would berate you for ten minutes if I didn't have better things to do.
Leo: D: D: D:

This is what actually happened:
Adam: Hey, Leo.
Leo: Hey, yeah?
Adam: Thank you. For washing those. I appreciate it.
Leo: Oh, uhh... I don't mind. I mean, I'm still on the clock...
Adam: Oh, that's okay, *waves hand dismissively* I don't mind. When are you working next?
Leo: Tomorrow at 11.
Adam: Okay, see you then! *smile*
Leo: See you then!

I mean, enough said. I don't know why I do it to least it means I'm pleasantly surprised a lot, but it also causes me a lot of unnecessary stress.

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